Sunday, June 17, 2012

Operation Washington: Update 3: Fail State

Well this could have gone better, I sent a strike team to assault the Outsider as I had planed. to draw out my Rival, so would could take him down...

And in no uncertain terms, it was a disaster.

the Rival didn't let his guard down at all, he attacked his former partner, the outsider, and managed to secure a powerful artifact of the fucking Abomination.

An artifact he used to attack our base camp, I'm not down about 75% of my team, he ran through our base like a god damn wrathful god, killing anyone who tried to resist him.... the surviving members of my team are now at a secondary fallback point.

I don't have a choice now, we don't have the strength to finish the operation now...

I have to contact the Outsider, and get him on our side. We need to kill my Rival, or he might destroy the whole god damn city.


  1. It took me way too long to find your blog, Vergil. Stupid google+ bullshit. I'm going to go through and read it all tonight.

  2. You mean despite my best efforts people are actually finding this ;)

  3. I'm just a curious little Cat~. It's hard as shit to hide things from me on the internet. And even if you successfully hide it from me-- one of my housemates is one of the proxy hackers.
