Saturday, June 2, 2012

Discourse 1

A bit of disclosure before I go any further, the organization is pretty specialized, I don't know the full workings, none of us do.

It keeps us honest, so when I don't have an assignment I tend to get allot of downtime, I normally spending it training, or just enjoying and easy day's wage, mostly sitting in my office playing some video game, or filing some low key paperwork...

I get allot of time for personal projects, like following up on rumors that my old rival might still be alive...

I had heard that he had been killed with a blonde female accomplice in Pittsburgh in  a warehouse explosion, in the aid of a blogger that had reportedly fought and killed a Proxy rival of there. I had actually encountered him there, we fought, he got lucky. But an Associate of mine named Reaver suggested that he might had made it out, that there had been sighting's of him in New Mexico near the coastline, which Incidentally a second accomplice, a one eyed man that had been "touched" by the slenderman in an unusual manner had recently been sighted.

My rival however was traveling alone, the Female accomplice was nowhere to be seen at all, likely dead, but I could used that to draw my prey out....

No mater, I've been gathering data on a few of the bloggers a sort of threat assessment, for possible research or containment....

We got a blog by an individual named Lucia, her case is unique as as far as I've been informed she may be the first case where a female had become impregnated by a Proxy, historical documents normally indicate that the results do not end well. it may be the first known life birth. We will be observing his case closely.

Then we come to the case of a British resident by the name of Manic Muse, or currently known as Sane. The subject has an interesting, if dysfunctional relationship with a runner who I will speak of below, but otherwise, it's multiple personality disorder and unreliable narrator makes him an unlikely to be taken seriously source of information, unless this changes I see no need to contain the subject.

The last subject I find my self intrigued by is the case of the blogger Soulpatched, a man who in a short period of time, a rather unrealistic period of time. went from a normal life, to becoming what some would describe as a genuine threat to the Abomination, had he and one of his rumored to be dead associates not had a history with the Organization in a minor level, I might have approached him directly, for now he's not slated for elimination or containment.

That's all for now.


  1. If I wasn't tired, Vergil, I'd be three kinds of pissed.

    I do believe that I am actually the first bystander having a proxy's child. And if you've got a problem with that, then maybe I should be sticking something sharp in you. >_>

    1. So.... that whole "I kill people professionally" didn't bother you, but the fact that we found your pregnancy interesting is worthy of an old fashion shanking?

      Remind me to not find your bad side.

    2. My fiance was a hunter proxy before he passed. I'm kind of used to the entire contract killer deal.

      Oh, don't worry, I'll remind you long before you meet the bad side. ^^
